EFT – Science-Proven Technique That Has Changed My Life

EFT - Science-Proven Technique That Has Changed My Life

Pain, pain, pain. Many of us have no idea we are suffering from chronic pain as it disguises itself in many forms. It could be back pain that comes and goes, headaches, migraines, neck, shoulder pain. The list goes on, to be honest. Pain is chronic if you experience it for more than three months, and not necessarily all day, every day. In that time you could get headaches twice a month and have done so for the past 5 years, that is chronic. It’s classed as chronic pain.

Now what most of us do is look for the painkillers – the quick fix, something to just ease the pain, and I don’t blame you. Nor do I judge! It’s exactly what I did for decades until I became addicted to opioids. Yep, you heard me right and damn they helped. Whole different story.

So as the title suggests, I am going to share with you a crazy technique that changed my life, and has changed tens of thousands of others’ lives too!

Now I like to describe things in their simplest form as I believe the world is full of confusion, babble and complexities so that the masses give up. Again, a whole other topic.

Emotional Freedom Technique/EFT – Walking Self-Hypnosis

This crazy technique is called Tapping or EFT. For those who have heard of it, USE IT! For those who haven’t, I’ll explain my thoughts on exactly why it works. Then I invite you to watch below and see for yourself the weirdness of it.

Ok, this amazing technique blows my mind at how good it is. It does look weird and that’s why I address the elephant in the room right away. But what it does – it’s a form of walking self-hypnosis. It accesses your subconscious fast and safely. And how it does this is through the gentle tapping of pressure points not too dissimilar to acupressure. Now, this is the sciency bit now – it accesses the part of the brain called the amygdala, the fight or flight response, and dulls it down. And when you get really good, it switches it off. Then, from there, it caresses and calms the nervous system just like a stroking hand (of a loved one obviously) on the arm consoling you when you have hard a tough day. I mean if it was a random it would have opposite effect obviously. Okay, back to being serious.

Now, why is that important for chronic pain? Well, if you are a serious fanatic about helping people when they are told nothing can be done, like me, that’s what I spent years researching. If you want to know more check out my research. You’ll find it by clicking here “Understanding The Cycle of Pain”.

So go ahead and watch the video and work on using this technique sometimes instead of reaching out for the painkillers, if you do it enough times you will change your life.

Click here to watch the video on how to use this crazy technique for pain.

Dawn Cady - Pain Coach NSW Australia

Author: Dawn Cady
Pain Transformation Coach
Certified Holistic Therapist
Founder of Alleviate Pain
Phone: +61 (02) 4751 8726
Email: [email protected]