The Brain, Emotion and Pain Connection – Know How To Handle Them

The Brain, Emotion and Pain Connection - Know How To Handle Them

The brain, emotion, and pain all have a very strong connection. A good understanding of this will go a long way in helping you reduce pain naturally.

“It’s all in your head Jimmy, the test results confirm that you’re okay”.

Those were the exact words of a doctor to his patient. Jimmy had been subjected to so many tests because of the physical symptoms he was having. However, it turned out, he was only going through an emotional trauma, which resulted in physical pains!

How do they connect: the Brain, Emotion and Pain?

The three are closely knitted and can affect one another. Knowing how to manage them will serve as a pain relief technique. Let’s take a look at their relationships.

1. The brain and the body

You know that nauseous feeling you have at the thought of a very tragic or nerve-racking event? Well, that’s your brain and body exchanging signals which result in physical discomfort.

Also, when you hurt yourself, your brain networks make swift attempts to rewire. This rewiring is known as neuroplasticity and increases your alertness level to avoid pain.

2. Pain and emotion

A study on women that suffered from Fibromyalgia revealed the strong relationship between pain and emotion. Fibromyalgia is a medical condition that comes with a lot of physical pain.

The study showed that women who recalled events that triggered negative emotions experienced more pain than those who didn’t (had some pain control techniques). Experts say that your emotional state when you experience pain can determine the degree of pain (whether it becomes chronic or reduces)

3. Emotion and body

Anxiety, stress, and depression are all factors that can weigh you down emotionally. A mental breakdown hurts your immune system. This, in turn, can make you prone and susceptible to certain health disorders.

When you’re sad, it could result in symptoms like stomach ulcers or high blood pressure. Also, negative emotions can affect some vital organs in your body leading to physical pain.

As you can see above, our brain, emotion, and pain are all interconnected. Pain can arouse a lot of negative emotions that could hurt your body (health). Stress, on the other hand, can constrict the muscles and nerves which, in turn, can also cause physical pain.

Finally, physical pain can send signals to the brain prompting it of a disorder that may be emotional. You must avoid unnecessary medication and reduce pain naturally instead. Also, paying attention to your mental well-being and controlling your thoughts are all pain control techniques. They will help you to live a healthier and happier life.

Dawn Cady - Pain Coach NSW Australia

Author: Dawn Cady
Pain Transformation Coach
Certified Holistic Therapist
Founder of Alleviate Pain
Phone: +61 (02) 4751 8726
Email: [email protected]