Unlock the power of Reticular Activating System (RAS)

Unlock the power of Reticular Activating System (RAS)

Your brain has a filter. It filters information received by your subconscious to the conscious part of your brain. This is known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS). Think about it. Have you ever driven home from somewhere and not remembered all of the drive...
Why Do I Keep Getting Sick? 

Why Do I Keep Getting Sick? 

Want to know why you keep getting sick? We have normalised suffering.  It’s that simple. It’s everything but normal, we are supposed to enjoy life but we have programmed our brains for suffering and in the process become addicted to it. How Our Brain and Body...
How to Make New Year’s Resolutions Work for You

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions Work for You

Every year many people make resolutions to improve their life, their habits, their business. And every year the majority of us fail miserably at keeping those resolutions. We have abandoned them before the first month is over. And every year our main question is: how...
Tapping Script For Procrastination – EFT by Dawn Cady

Tapping Script For Procrastination – EFT by Dawn Cady

Only about a year ago did we write another blog on procrastination, this was in the beginning of July 2019. And now here we are again. But this time I want you to do something about it. This time I created for you a free tapping script for procrastination using EFT/...
Breathing Techniques For Stress: Intentional Breathing Practice

Breathing Techniques For Stress: Intentional Breathing Practice

There are many simple and effective breathing techniques for stress. Today you will learn and practice one of the most effective forms of intentional deep breathing. It defuses the stress feedback loop and teaches your brain and body to relax. Taking a deep breath or...