Heal yourself: 2 Powerful tools to help

Heal yourself - 2 powerful tools

Your mind is not you; it’s an exceptionally powerful tool that can be your best friend to help you heal yourself or your worst enemy.

If it’s your best friend, it will cheer you on and find solutions to difficult situations.

When it’s your worst enemy, like it is for almost 99% of the world, you will find yourself feeling stuck, or worse – feeling sick, in pain, and suffering in some area of life. This happens when the mind is not programmed for growth.

A healthy mind is essential for overcoming emotional and physical pain

Ask yourself, “Is my mind my best friend? Does it cheer me on, offer words of encouragement, remind me at the perfect time about whatever I need to do to thrive?”

Or is it like with most people, does it produce a never-ending to-do list? Does it tell you a heap of lies, like “You can’t do that, that’s too hard, maybe next time, you can’t afford it, you should have….”

The body’s wisdom can help you overcome pain

How about your body? It has the ability to communicate with you. It will tell you what’s wrong and what you need. It is a power-house tool, though many no longer have the skill, the understanding, to use it these days.

Knowing the body’s wisdom and listening to its needs, and taking action, enables you to heal yourself.

In fact, having both these tools on your side – and knowing them intimately – is the only true way to heal.

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Dawn Cady - Pain Coach NSW Australia

Author: Dawn Cady
Pain Transformation Coach
Certified Holistic Therapist
Founder of Alleviate Pain
Phone: +61 (02) 4751 8726
Email: [email protected]