Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) – Holistic Healing Technique

EFT tapping holistic therapy

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) also known as Tapping is a powerful holistic healing technique that has been proven to effectively resolve chronic pain.

This therapy is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. In this therapy, the tapping on specific meridian endpoints of the body with fingertips would be used to calm the nervous system. It repairs the entire mind-to-body connection by integrating the concepts that physical pain and mental wellbeing are connected to our emotional states.

I often think Tapping is slightly misunderstood, in that people think, “Oh, I can just tap for someone else and FIX them”. I believe the real power in Tapping is to first help us clear our own emotional attachments, stress, anxiety, and overwhelmed about the situation, person, or challenge. What I’ve found to be really exciting about doing this is that we do our own work first. I can’t fully explain it, but I’ve seen it again and again in my own life and in those who have done this process.

3 Main Characteristics of How EFT/Tapping Works:

1. Tapping removes negative emotions

So if there is a situation you are struggling with and if there is a person who you love that you are stressed out and anxious about and if there is someone you want to help then come to me, I can teach you the basic Tapping technique which requires you to focus on the negative emotion at hand such as fear, worry, bad memory, an unresolved problem, or anything that’s bothering you.

2. Tapping is simple and painless.

It can be learned by anyone and you can apply it to yourself whenever you want wherever you are. It can be used with a specific emotional intent towards your own unique life challenges and experiences. Most importantly, Tapping gives you the power to heal yourself by putting control of your destiny back into your own hands. While maintaining your mental focus on this issue, you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on each of the 9 specific meridian points of the body.

3. Tapping is an effective tool to clear unwanted emotions, traumas, and blocks.

I will teach you the step-by-step process of eliminating negative emotions by building your own personal tapping sequences and removing the various blocks along the way. This will be a good opportunity to get familiar with “tapping” and also get your doubts clarified. I will show you how you can harness its healing power and overcome negative emotions, depression, phobias, anxieties, addictions, and other common psychological problems. Once you’ve removed the negative emotions, you will enjoy and start living a more fulfilled and happy life.

The 3-part masterclass will help you understand even more the power and use of EFT.

>>Masterclass 1: Why do I still have pain?

>>Masterclass 2: How Your Body Can Heal?

>>>Masterclass 3: Reducing Your Pain

Dawn Cady - Pain Coach NSW Australia

Author: Dawn Cady
Pain Transformation Coach
Certified Holistic Therapist
Founder of Alleviate Pain
Phone: +61 (02) 4751 8726
Email: [email protected]